Legália is a boutique law firm that supports corporates, financial institutions, public and private clients in the achievement of their business objectives, providing high-quality legal advice.

Our practice breadth and industry knowledge combined with our highly collaborative culture and business focused approach, allows us to deliver outstanding service for the ultimate benefit of the client.

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To the point

We know what matters for our clients: we get to the heart of the client needs, we assess the best options for the client, based on its specific objectives, and efficiently deliver the solution.

With the client

Our client’s business becomes our own. We build a relationship that goes beyond the provision of a formal legal advice. We are passionate about getting quickly to an in-depth knowledge and understanding of our clients business and maintaining commercial focus walking them through legal advice – so that its focus remains on growing its business.

On budget

Spiraling costs are the enemy of smart enterprises. Getting the right legal advice is fundamental to success, but sometime the cost of getting the right advice can be prohibitive. We offer to each client a transparent and cost conscious fee structure with no nasty surprises – giving complete budget certainty over the cost of any solution.

Proactive and responsive

We adapt to ever changing business needs and situations: thinking ahead, for a smooth running of the client’s business, and swiftly and proactively reacting to issues.


The academic background and entrenchment in the legal and regulatory world allow us to think outside the box and find innovative and technically sound routes to achieve the best solution.



La Relazione annuale sulla Corporate Governance e la Lettera del Presidente del Comitato per la Corporate Governance

February 9th, 2024|0 Comments

Lunedì 12 febbraio si terrà il seminario a Roma e a Milano di presentazione del Rapporto di Assonime sulla Corporate Governance. Il Rapporto di Assonime [...]

Sistemi di pagamento e conti di pagamento

November 10th, 2020|0 Comments

Massimiliano Silvetti in AA.VV. Il Nuovo Diritto Bancario, G. Cricenti e F. Greco, Giuffré, Milano, 2020.

Webinar 27 e 28 giugno – L’attività di vigilanza del Collegio Sindacale sui nuovi rischi d’impresa

July 14th, 2023|0 Comments

I giorni 27 e 28 giugno 2023 si è tenuto il webinar organizzato da Paradigma [...]

Daily news 2024/07/31

July 31st, 2024|0 Comments

Consob has published the Report on financial investments of Italian households For the first time, [...]